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Visit us @ Fab Lab London

After months of preparation, we launched our new home in Bank on Friday 19th September: the RSA Innovation Hub in partnership with FabLab London. Throughout the day, visitors were treated to demos on the laser cutter, electronics repairs by the Restart party, 3D printing with a purpose by Faberdashery, and socially useful ‘fixes’ (such as a key holder for people with arthritis) by Fixperts. Not to mention textiles tear-downs and tours of the space.
Fab Lab London will provide a new centre for makers, entrepreneurs and others right in the heart of the City of London. The collaboration with The Great Recovery means that members will be encouraged to question the purpose and life cycle of the products they make, as well as having lots of fun bringing their concepts to life with 3D printers and laser cutters!
Pop in and visit us!
Every Friday between 10am and 4pm The Great Recovery’s new home at FabLab London will be open for anyone to drop in and visit. If you’d like to know more about the circular economy and our activities, tell us about your latest projects, check out the FabLab as a venue for your next event or just come for a coffee and a chat and a play on the machines, you’d be more than welcome! Sign up here to let us know you’re coming.